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2. The Aaronsohn saga
3. Aaronsohn's maps : the untold story of the man who might have created peace in the Middle East
4. Abandonment of illusions : Zionist political attitudes toward Palestinian Arab Nationalism, 1936-1939
5. Abandonment of illusions : Zionist political attitudes toward Palestinian Arab nationalism, 1936-1939
6. The ABC of the OPT : a legal lexicon of the Israeli control over the occupied Palestinian territory
7. The ABC of the OPT : a legal lexicon of the Israeli control over the occupied Palestinian territory
8. The ABC of the Palestine problem. : Part I: 1896-1949
9. Abdul-Hamid's Palestine : rare century-old photographs from the private collection of the Ottoman sultan now published for the first time
10. Abendländische Palästinapilger des ersten Jahrtausends und ihre Berichte : eine kulturgeschichtliche Skizze
11. Abila of the Decapolis
12. Abraham : eine sozialgeschichtliche Studie
13. Abraham and David : places they knew
14. Abraham ibn Daud's Dorot 'olam =Generations of the ages
15. Abraham ibn Daud's Dorot 'olam (Generations of the Ages) : a critical edition and translation of Zikhron Divrey Romi, Divrey Malkhey Yisra'el, and the Midrash on Zechariah
16. Abraham ibn Daud's Dorot 'olam (Generations of the ages) a critical edition and translation of Zikhron Divrey Romi, Divrey Malkhey Yisra'el, and the Midrash on Zechariah
17. Abraham to the Middle-East crisis
18. Abstract of Colenso on the Pentateuch : [a comprehensive summary of Bishop Colenso's argument, proving that the Pentateuch is not historically true; and that it was composed by several writers, the earliest of whom lived in the time of Samuel, from 1100 t
19. Abu Jmeel's daughter and other stories : Arab folk tales from Palestine and Lebanon
20. The accuracy of the Old Testament : the historical narratives in the light of recent Palestinian archaeology
21. Achaemenid imperial administration in Syria-Palestine and the missions of Ezra and Nehemiah
22. Achaemenid imperial administration in Syria-Palestine and the missions of Ezra and Nehemiah
23. Acre : the rise and fall of a Palestinian city, 1730-1831
24. Activestills : photography as protest in Palestine/Israel
25. The "activities" of the Hagana, Irgun and Stern bands : as recorded in British Command Paper no. 6873
26. al-Adab al-shaʻbī fī Filasṭīn : Idhnā namūdhajan
الأدب الشعبي في فلسطين : إذنا نموذجاً
27. Adab al-sujūn
أدب السجون
28. Adamnan's De locis sanctis
29. Admission of Jews into Palestine
30. Admission of Jews into Palestine
31. Admission of Jews into Palestine : statement of the President of the United States, together with the report of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine as submitted to the President and to the government of the United Kingdom
32. Adrikhalut ha-medinah sheba-derekh : bi-reʼi yetsiratam shel Heḳer-Yelin
33. Adventure in the sun : an informal account of the communal settlements of Palestine
34. Adventures in the Holy Land
35. Adwār al-marʼah al-Filasṭīnīyah fī al-arbaʻīnīyāt : al-musāhamah al-siyāsīyah lil-marʼah al-Filasṭīnīyah : riwāyāt al-nisāʼ : nuṣūṣ al-muqābalāt al-shafawīyah
أدوار المرأة الفلسطينية في الأربعينيات : المساهمة السياسية للمرأة الفلسطينية : روايات النساء : نصوص المقابلات الشفوية
36. Adwār al-marʼah al-Filasṭīnīyah fī al-khamsīnīyāt ḥattá awāsiṭ al-sittīnāt : al-musāhamah al-siyāsīyah lil-marʼah al-Filasṭīnīyah : riwāyāt al-nisāʼ : nuṣūṣ al-muqābalāt al-shafawīyah
ادوار المراة الفلسطينية في الخمسينيات حتى اواسط الستينات : المساهمة السياسية للمراة الفلسطينية : روايات النساء : نصوص المقابلات الشفوية
37. Adwār al-marʼah al-Filasṭīnīyah fī al-thalāthīnīyāt : al-musāhamah al-siyāsīyah lil-marʼah al-Filasṭīnīyah : riwāyāt al-nisāʼ, nuṣūṣ al-muqābalāt al-shafawīyah
أدوار المرأة الفلسطينية في الثلاثينيات : المساهمة السياسية للمرأة الفلسطينية : روايات النساء، نصوص المقابلات الشفوية
38. Aegyptiaca-Biblica : Notizen und Beiträge zu den Beziehungen zwischen Ägypten und Israel
39. Aelia Capitolina
40. Aeolic style in architecture : a survey of its development in Palestine, the Halikarnassos peninsula, and Greece, 1000-500 B.C.
41. Archaeology of daily life : ordinary persons in late Second Temple Israel
42. An aesthetic occupation : the immediacy of architecture and the Palestine conflict
43. Āfāq istikhdām al-ziraʻah ghayr al-taqlīdīyah fī Filasṭīn maʻa al-tarkīz ʻalá al-ziraʻah al-ʻuḍwīyah
آفاق استخدام الزراعة غير التقليدية في فلسطين مع التركيز على الزراعة العضوية
44. After Zionism : one state for Israel and Palestine
45. Agadot Erets-Yisrael : agadot, mesorot, memrot ḳedumot ṿe-ḥadashot ʻarukhot le-fi ʼazure ha-arets ʻareha ṿe-kefareha
46. Against erasure : a photographic memory of Palestine before the Nakba
47. Against the loveless world : a novel
48. Agreement between His Majesty's government and the French government respecting the boundary line between Syria and Palestine from the Mediterranean to El Hammé
49. Agreement between Palestine and Syria and the Lebanon amending the Agreement of February 2, 1926 regarding frontier questions : November 3, 1938
50. Agreement between Palestine and Syria and the Lebanon to facilitate good neighbourly relations in connection with frontier questions : signed at Jerusalem, February 2, 1926
51. The agricultural colonisation of the Zionist Organisation in Palestine
52. The agricultural colonisation of the Zionist organisation in Palestine
53. Agriculture in Iron Age Israel
54. Agriculture in Iron Age Israel
55. Agrippa I : the last king of Judaea
56. Āh yā Bayrūt
آه يا بيروت
57. Ahar ha-tofet : yoman ʻalumim : Kisleṿ 707-Sheveṭ 712 (Detsember 1946-Februʼar 1952)
אחר התפת : יומן עלומים : כסלו תש"ן - שבט תשי"ב (שצמבר 1946-פברואר 1952) \
58. Aḥar ha-tofet : yoman ʻalumim (Kislev 707- Shevaṭ 712) (Detsember 1946 - Februar 1952) = After the tophet : a diary of an orphaned adolescent, December 1946-February 1952
אחר התפת : יומן עלומים (כסלו תש״ז ־ שבט תשי״ב) (דצמבר 1946 ־ פברואר 1952) = After the tophet : a diary of an orphaned adolescent, December 1946-February 1952
59. Aharon Aharonson : ha-ish u-zemano
60. Ahavah koʼevet : ṭrilogyah. Ḥelek rishon, Shiri
אהבה כואבת : טרילוגיה חלק ראשון שירי
61. Ahuvat ha-Ṭemplar me-ʻEmeḳ Refaʼim
אהובת הטמפלר מעמק רפאים
62. al-Aḥzāb al-ʻArabīyah fī Filasṭīn al-muḥtallah 1948 fī Isrāʼīl = Arab Parties in 1948 Occupied Palestine (in Israel)
الأحزاب العربية في فلسطين المحتلة 1948 في إسرائيل = Arab Parties in 1948 Occupied Palestine (in Israel)
63. ʻāʼilat al-shams wa-al-ṣakhr wa-al-zamharīr : sīrah
عائلة الشمس والصخر والزمهرير : سيرة
64. Ain Shems excavations (Palestine) ...
65. ha-Aḳṭivisṭ : sipur ḥayaṿ shel Eliyahu Golomb, 1893-1929
האקטיביסט : סיפור חייו של אליהו גולומב, 3981־9291
66. Al Helm : Martin Luther King in Palestine
67. Albion and Ariel : British Puritanism and the birth of political Zionism
68. Al-Ḥājj Muḥammad Amīn al-Ḥusaynī, Mufti of Jerusalem : the Palestine years, 1921-1937
69. Al-Haq : a global history of the first Palestinian human rights organization
70. Al-Haq : a global history of the first Palestinian human rights organization
71. The alien Christ
72. All live olive
73. All that remains : the Palestinian villages occupied and depopulated by Israel in 1948
74. All the boundaries of the land : the Promised Land in Biblical thought in light of the ancient Near East
75. All the Boundaries of the Land The Promised Land in Biblical Thought in Light of the Ancient Near East
76. Allenby and British strategy in the Middle East, 1917-1919
77. Allenby of Armageddon : a record of the career and campaigns of Field-Marshal Viscount Allenby
78. Allenby's gunners : artillery in the Sinai & Palestine campaigns 1916-1918
79. Allenby's military medicine : life and death in World War I Palestine
80. Almond blossoms and beyond
81. The almond tree
82. Altchristliche Basiliken und Lokaltraditionen in Südjudäa. : Archäologische und topographische Untersuchungen
83. Die alten Ortsnamen Palästinas
84. Die älteste Geschichtsschreibung und Prophetie Israels : von Samuel bis Amos und Hosea
85. Althebräische Inschriften transkribiert
86. Altneuland : Monatsschrift für die wirtschaftliche Erschliessung Palästinas
87. Die altrussische Wallfahrtsliteratur : Theorie und Geschichte eines literarischen Genres
88. al-Aʻmāl al-mukhtārah
89. The Amarna letters from Palestine [and], Syria, the Philistines, and Phoenicia,
90. An ambiguous partnership : non-Zionists and Zionists in America, 1939-1948
91. America and Zion : essays and papers in memory of Moshe Davis
92. American biblical archaeology and Zionism : the politics of objectivity from William F. Albright to William G. Dever
93. American biblical archaeology and Zionism : the politics of objectivity from William F. Albright to William G. Dever
94. American consuls in the Holy Land, 1832-1914
95. American interests in the Middle East,
96. American Jewish women and the Zionist enterprise
97. American Palestine : Melville, Twain, and the Holy Land mania
98. American Palestine Melville, Twain, and the Holy Land Mania
99. American priestess : the extraordinary story of Anna Spafford and the American Colony in Jerusalem
100. American radical : the trials of Norman Finkelstein / Baraka Productions and Ridgen Film present in association with Mohawk Films ; a film [produced and directed] by David Ridgen and Nicolas Rossier
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