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2. Earth revealed. Episode 21, Groundwater
3. Earth-fissure movements associated with fluctuations in ground-water levels near the Picacho mountains, south-central Arizona, 1980-84
4. Earth-fissure movements associated with fluctuations in ground-water levels near the Picacho mountains, south-central Arizona, 1980-84
5. An economic value of remote-sensing information : application to agricultural production and maintaining groundwater quality
6. The economics of groundwater management in arid countries : theory, international experience, and a case study of Jordan
7. Effect of agricultural practices on hydrology and water chemistry in a small irrigated catchment, Yakima River Basin, Washington
8. The effect of eustatic sea-level changes on saltwater-freshwater in the northern Atlantic coastal plain
9. Effect of groundwater levels and headwater wetlands on streamflow in the Charlie Creek Basin, Peace River Watershed, west-central Florida
10. Effect of increased pumping of ground water in the Fairfield-New Baltimore area, Ohio;
11. Effect of land-applied biosolids on surface-water nutrient yields and groundwater quality in Orange County, North Carolina
12. The effect of oilfield brines on the potable ground water in the Upper Big Pitman Creek Basin, Kentucky
13. Effect of on-site wastewater disposal on quality of ground water and base flow : a pilot study in Chester County, southeastern Pennsylvania, 2005
14. Effect of reduced industrial pumpage on the migration of dissolved nitrogen in an outwash aquifer at Olean, Cattaraugus County, New York
15. Effect of tectonic structure on the occurrence of ground water in the basalt of the Columbia River Group of the Dalles area, Oregon and Washington
16. Effect of tectonic structure on the occurrence of ground water in the basalt of the Columbia River Group of the Dalles area, Oregon and Washington,
17. Effect of the Cedar River on the quality of the ground-water supply for Cedar Rapids, Iowa
18. The effect of the Faka Union Canal system on water levels in the Fakahatchee Strand, Collier County, Florida
19. Effect of the Paradox Valley Unit on the dissolved-solids load of the Dolores River near Bedrock, Colorado, 1988-2001
20. Effect of urban stormwater runoff on ground water beneath recharge basins on Long Island, New York
21. Effect of urbanization on the water resources of Warminster Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania
22. Effective groundwater model calibration : with analysis of data, sensitivities, predictions, and uncertainty
23. Effectiveness of highway drainage systems in preventing salt contamination of ground water : preliminary findings
24. Effects and distribution of iron-related well-screen encrustation and aquifer biofouling in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York
25. Effects of a cattle feedlot on ground-water quality in the South Platte River Valley near Greeley, Colorado
26. Effects of a crude-oil recovery remediation system operated 1999-2003 on groundwater plumes and unsaturated-zone vapor concentrations at a crude-oil spill site near Bemidji, Minnesota
27. Effects of agricultural and residential land use on ground-water quality, Anoka Sand Plain aquifer, east-central Minnesota
28. Effects of agriculture on quality of water in surficial sand-plain aquifers in Douglas, Kandiyohi, Pope, and Stearns counties, Minnesota
29. Effects of alternative instream-flow criteria and water-supply demands on ground-water development options in the Big River area, Rhode Island
30. The effects of artificial recharge on groundwater levels and water quality in the west hydrogeologic unit of the Warren subbasin, San Bernardino County, California
31. Effects of artificial recharge on water quality in the Equus Beds aquifer, south-central Kansas, 1995-2000
32. The effects of boundary conditions on the steady-state response of three hypothetical ground-water systems--results and implications of numerical experiments
33. Effects of changes in irrigation practices and aquifer development on groundwater discharge to the Jobos Bay Natural Estuarine Research Reserve near Salinas, Puerto Rico
34. Effects of changing irrigation practices on the ground-water hydrology of the Santa Isabel-Juana Díaz area, south central Puerto Rico
35. The effects of channel excavation on water-quality characteristics of the Black River and on ground-water levels near Dunn, North Carolina
36. Effects of climate variability and change on groundwater resources of the United States
37. Effects of climate, vegetation, and soils on consumptive water use and ground-water recharge to the central midwest regional aquifer system, mid-continent United States
38. The effects of coal mining on the hydrologic environment of selected stream basins in southern West Virginia
39. Effects of dried wastewater-treatment sludge application on ground-water quality in South Dade County, Florida
40. Effects of drought in basins of interior drainage
41. Effects of effluent spray irrigation and sludge disposal on ground water in a karst region, northwest Pinellas County, Florida
42. Effects of effluents from a coal-fired, electric-generating powerplant on local ground water near Hayden, Colorado
43. Effects of farming systems on ground-water quality at the management systems evaluation area near Princeton, Minnesota, 1991-95
44. Effects of fluctuating river-pool stages on ground-water levels in the adjacent alluvial aquifer in the lower Arkansas River, Arkansas
45. Effects of fracturing on well yields in the coalfield areas of Wise and Dickenson Counties, southwestern Virginia
46. Effects of future ground-water pumpage on the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
47. Effects of ground-water development in the North Fort Hood area, Coryell County, Texas
48. Effects of ground-water development on the proposed Palmetto Bend dam and reservoir in southeast Texas
49. Effects of groundwater pumping on agricultural drains in the Tule Lake Subbasin, Oregon and California
50. Effects of groundwater withdrawal on borehole flow and salinity measured in deep monitor wells in Hawaiʻi--implications for groundwater management
51. Effects of ground-water withdrawal on Kaunakakai Stream Environmental Restoration Plan, Molokaʻi, Hawaiʻi
52. Effects of groundwater withdrawals associated with combined-cycle combustion turbine plants in west Tennessee and northern Mississippi
53. Effects of high-rate wastewater spray disposal on the water-table aquifer, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
54. Effects of highway deicing chemicals on shallow unconsolidated aquifers in Ohio, interim report, 1988-93
55. Effects of highway deicing chemicals on shallow unconsolidated aquifers in Ohio--final report
56. Effects of highway-deicer application on ground-water quality in a part of the Calumet Aquifer, Northwestern Indiana
57. Effects of highway-deicer application on ground-water quality in a part of the Calumet Aquifer, Northwestern Indiana
58. Effects of historical withdrawals on advective transport of contaminated ground waters in a glacial-drift aquifer, Milford, New Hampshire
59. Effects of increased pumpage on a fractured-bedrock aquifer system in central Orange County, New York
60. Effects of irrigating with wastewater on ground-water quality at Fort Carson Military Reservation golf course near Colorado Springs, Colorado
61. Effects of land use and geohydrology on the quality of shallow ground water in two agricultural areas in the Western Lake Michigan drainages, Wisconsin
62. Effects of land use and hydrogeology on the water quality of alluvial aquifers in eastern Iowa and southern Minnesota, 1997
63. Effects of land use and travel time on the distribution of nitrate in the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system in southern New Jersey
64. Effects of land use on ground-water quality in central Florida : preliminary results ; U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Waste-Ground-Water Contamination Program
65. Effects of land use on ground-water quality in the East Everglades, Dade County, Florida
66. Effects of land use on quality of water in stratified-drift aquifers in Connecticut
67. Effects of land use on water quality of the Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer, east-central Colorado
68. Effects of land-use buffer size on Spearman's partial correlations of land use and shallow ground-water quality
69. Effects of natural and human factors on groundwater quality of basin-fill aquifers in the southwestern United States : conceptual models for selected contaminants
70. Effects of potential surface coal mining on dissolved solids in Otter Creek and in the Otter Creek alluvial aquifer, southeastern Montana
71. Effects of present and projected ground-water withdrawals on the Twin Cities aquifer system, Minnesota
72. Effects of pumping on ground-water flow near water-supply wells in the lower Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer, Pennsauken Township, Camden County, New Jersey
73. Effects of pumping on ground-water flow near water-supply wells in the lower Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer, Pennsauken Township, Camden County, New Jersey
74. Effects of recent climate variability on groundwater levels in eastern Arkansas
75. Effects of recharge from drainage wells on quality of water in the Floridian aquifer in the Orlando area, central Florida
76. Effects of runoff controls on the quantity and quality of urban runoff at two locations in Austin, Texas
77. Effects of sanitary sewering on ground-water levels and streams in Nassau and Suffolk counties, New York. Part 3. Development and application of southern Nassau County model
78. Effects of sanitary sewers on ground-water levels and streams in Nassau and Suffolk counties, New York. Part 2. Development and application of southwest Suffolk County model
79. Effects of sanitary sewers on ground-water levels and streams in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York. Part 1. Geohydrology, modeling strategy, and regional evaluation
80. Effects of sediment depositional environment and ground-water flow on the quality and geochemistry of water in aquifers in sediments of Cretaceous age in the coastal plain of South Carolina
81. Effects of storm-water runoff on local ground-water quality, Clarksville, Tennessee
82. Effects of surface applications of biosolids on groundwater quality and trace-element concentrations in crops near Deer Trail, Colorado, 2004-2010
83. Effects of surface coal mining and reclamation on the geohydrology of six small watersheds in west-central Indiana
84. Effects of surface runoff and treated wastewater recharge on quality of water in the Floridan aquifer system, Gainesville area, Alachua County, Florida
85. Effects of surface-water diversion and ground-water withdrawal on streamflow and habitat, Punaluu Stream, Oahu, Hawaii
86. Effects of the 1993 flood on water levels and water quality in the Sheyenne Delta aquifer, southeastern North Dakota, 1993-94
87. Effects of the 1998 drought on the freshwater lens in the Laura area, Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands
88. Effects of the drought of 1980-81 on streamflow and on ground-water levels in Georgia
89. Effects of the drought of 1980-81 on streamflow and on ground-water levels in Georgia
90. Effects of the Paradox Valley Unit on dissolved solids, sodium, and chloride in the Dolores River near Bedrock, Colorado, water years 1988-98
91. Effects of three highway-runoff detention methods on water quality of the surficial aquifer system in central Florida
92. Effects of treated municipal effluent irrigation on ground water beneath sprayfields, Tallahassee, Florida
93. Effects of two stormwater management methods on the quality of water in the upper Biscayne aquifer at two commercial areas in Dade County, Florida
94. Effects of underground coal mining on ground water in the eastern United States
95. Effects of uranium-mining releases on ground-water quality in the Puerco River Basin, Arizona and New Mexico
96. The effects of using ground water to maintain water levels of Cedar Lake, Wisconsin
97. The effects of withdrawals and drought on groundwater availability in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, Guam
98. Effects on ground-water levels in the Missouri River alluvial aquifer caused by changes in Missouri River stage, Fremont and Monona Counties, Iowa
99. Effects on ground-water quality of seepage from a phosphatic clayey waste settling pond, north-central Florida
100. Electric-analog simulation network of unconsolidated aquifers in the upper Wabash River basin, Indiana
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