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2. Palliative care : the nursing role
3. Palliative Care in Pediatric Oncology
4. Palliative care nursing : caring for suffering patients
5. Palliative care nursing : caring for suffering patients
6. Palliative care nursing as mindfulness : embodying a relational ethic through strong emotion, uncertainty and death
7. Palliative nursing : scope and standards of practice : an essential resource for hospice and palliative nurses
8. Paradoxes in nurses' identity, culture and image : the shadow side of nursing
9. The parish nurse : providing a minister of health for your congregation
10. Parish nursing : stories of service and care
11. Parish nursing promoting whole person health within faith communities
12. Passing the Certified Bariatric Nurses Exam
13. Paternal Postnatal Psychiatric Illnesses : A Clinical Case Book
14. The path to building a successful nursing career
15. The path we tread : blacks in nursing worldwide, 1854-1994
16. Pathfinders : a history of the progress of colored graduate nurses
17. Pathfinders : a history of the progress of colored graduate nurses
18. Pathfinders, a history of the progress of colored graduate nurses
19. Pathophysiology
20. Pathophysiology : the biologic basis for disease in adults and children
21. Pathophysiology : the biologic basis for disease in adults and children
22. Pathophysiology made incredibly easy!.
23. Pathways of care
24. Pathways to practice
25. Patient care skills
26. Patient care skills
27. Patient outcomes research : examining the effectiveness of nursing practice
28. Patient safety and managing risk in nursing
29. Patient safety and quality : an evidence-based handbook for nurses
30. Patient safety and quality : an evidence-based handbook for nurses
31. Patterns of Rogerian knowing
32. PDR nurse's drug handbook
33. Peak flow measurement animated demonstration
34. Pediatric nursing : content review plus practice questions
35. Pediatric nursing procedures
36. Pensar enfermagem : revista cientifica
37. Perinatal nursing
38. Peripheral venous cannulation animated demonstration
39. Personal hygiene care
40. Personality development and its implications for nursing and nursing education : proceedings of an Institute on Nursing Education held November 4, 5, and 6, 1948 at the Illini Building, University of Illinois, Chicago
41. Person-centred nursing : theory and practice
42. Person-centred practice in nursing and health care : theory and practice
43. Perspectives in ambulatory care nursing
44. Perspectives in psychiatric care
45. Perspectives on nursing theory
46. Pflege dynamisch vorwärtsgerichtet
47. Pflegedidaktik im Überblick : Zwischen Transformation und Diffusion
48. Pflege-Report 2020: Neuausrichtung von Versorgung und Finanzierung
49. Pflege-Report 2022 : Spezielle Versorgungslagen in der Langzeitpflege
50. Pflege-Report 2023 : Versorgungsqualität von Langzeitgepflegten
51. Pharmacology : a 2-in-1 reference for nurses
52. Pharmacology : a 2-in-1 reference for nurses
53. Pharmacology : a nursing process approach
54. Pharmacology : a nursing process approach
55. Pharmacology : a nursing process approach
56. Pharmacology : a nursing process approach
57. Pharmacology : an introductory text
58. Pharmacology and the nursing process
59. Pharmacology and the nursing process
60. Phenomenology of Suicide : Unlocking the Suicidal Mind
61. Philosophical and theoretical perspectives for advanced nursing practice
62. Philosophical and theoretical perspectives for advanced nursing practice
63. Philosophical and theoretical perspectives for advanced nursing practice
64. Philosophical and theoretical perspectives for advanced nursing practice
65. Philosophies and practices of emancipatory nursing social justice as praxis
66. Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice
67. Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice
68. Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice
69. Philosophy for nursing
70. Philosophy of nursing : a new vision for health care
71. Philosophy of science for nursing practice : concepts and application
72. Philosophy of science for nursing practice : concepts and applications
73. Philosophy of science for nursing practice concepts and applications
74. Physical aspects of care pain and gastrointestinal symptoms
75. The Physical Exam : An Innovative Approach in the Age of Imaging
76. "The physician's hand" : work culture and conflict in American nursing
77. "The physician's hand" : work culture and conflict in American nursing
78. "The physician's hand" : work culture and conflict in American nursing
79. Physics for Anesthesiologists : From Daily Life to the Operating Room
80. The Pictor technique : exploring collaborative working in nursing
81. The Pictor technique : exploring collaborative working in nursing
82. Pioneering theories in nursing
83. Place and practice in Canadian nursing history
84. Planned change theories for nursing : review, analysis, and implications
85. Planned change theories for nursing : review, analysis, and implications
86. Planned change theories for nursing review, analysis, and implications
87. Planning for nursing needs and resources
88. Plastic surgical nursing
89. Pleegzuster zijn!
90. Pocket mask ventilation animated demonstration
91. The poetry of nursing : poems and commentaries of leading nurse-poets
92. Policy & politics in nursing and health care
93. Policy and politics in nursing and health care
94. Policy, politics and nursing practice
95. The politics of nursing knowledge
96. Politics of precarity : gendered subjects and the health care industry in contemporary Kolkata
97. A population health approach to health disparities for nurses : care of vulnerable populations
98. Population health for nurses : improving community outcomes
99. Port Said scientific journal of nursing
100. Porth's essentials of pathophysiology
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