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2. Safe patient handling and lifting standards for a safer American workforce : hearing before the Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session ... May 11, 2010
3. Safe patient handling and lifting standards for a safer American workforce : hearing before the Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, on ... S. 1788 ... May 11, 2010
4. Safe patient handling and lifting standards for a safer American workforce : hearing before the Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session on examining safe patient handling and lifting standards for a safer American workforce, including S. 1788, to direct the Secretary of Labor to issue an Occupational Safety and Health Standard to reduce injuries to patients, direct-care registered nurses, and all other health care workers by establishing a Safe Patient Handling and Injury Prevention Standard May 11, 2010
5. Safe patient handling and movement : a guide for nurses and other health care providers
6. Safety In The Workplace
7. The Sage handbook of nursing education
8. SAGE open nursing
9. Sağlık ve hemşirelik yönetimi dergisi
10. Sairaanhoitajia Filippiineiltä : näkökulmia kestävään kansainväliseen rekrytointiin
11. Salud, arte y cuidado
12. Sanus
13. Saúde coletiva e enfermagem em Goiás (1960-2010) : articulando trajetórias e reconstruindo utopias?
14. Saunders nursing drug handbook 2006
15. Saunders nursing drug handbook 2011
16. Saving lives : why the media's portrayal of nursing puts us all at risk
17. Saving lives : why the media's portrayal of nursing puts us all at risk
18. Say little, do much : nurses, nuns, and hospitals in the nineteenth century
19. Say Little, Do Much : Nursing, Nuns, and Hospitals in the Nineteenth Century
20. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences
21. Scholarly inquiry and the DNP capstone
22. Scholarly inquiry and the DNP capstone
23. Scholarly inquiry for nursing practice
24. The school nurse : a survey of the duties and responsibilities of the nurse in the maintenance of health and physical perfection and the prevention of disease among school children. 24 illus
25. Science and Practice of Pressure Ulcer Management
26. Science of nursing and health practices = Science infirmière et pratiques en santé
27. Scientific inquiry in nursing education : advancing the science
28. Scope and standards of hospice and palliative nursing practice
29. Scope and standards of nursing informatics practice
30. Scope and standards of practice for professional ambulatory care nursing
31. Scope and standards of practice for registered nurses in care coordination and transition management
32. The scope of practice for academic nurse educators & academic clinical nurse educators
33. Selected readings
34. Selected writings of Florence Nightingale
35. Self care for nurses : small doses for wellness
36. Self Care for Nurses : Small Doses for Wellness
37. Self efficacy in nursing : research and measurement perspectives
38. Self efficacy in nursing : research and measurement perspectives
39. Self-care deficit theory of nursing : concepts and applications
40. Self-care science, nursing theory, and evidence-based practice
41. Self-care science, nursing theory, and evidence-based practice
42. Self-care theory in nursing : selected papers of Dorothea Orem
43. Self-care theory in nursing : selected papers of Dorothea Orem
44. Sentimental women need not apply
45. Sestrinska reč
46. Shaping directions for computer use in nursing education
47. Shaping health policy through nursing research
48. Shaping health policy through nursing research
49. Shaping nursing healthcare policy : a view from the inside
50. Shift : one nurse, twelve hours, four patients' lives
51. Sickness in health : bullying in nursing and other health professions
52. The silent dialogue : a study in the social psychology of professional socialization
53. Simulated patient methodology : theory, evidence and practice
54. Simulation: Best Practices in Nursing Education
55. Simulation scenarios for nurse educators : making it real
56. Simulation scenarios for nurse educators : making it real
57. Simulation scenarios for nursing educators : making it real
58. Sinergia Científica
59. Situation specific theories : development, utilization, and evaluation in nursing
60. Skill sumo. Pathways. NWRC, Matthew Rutherford
61. Skills in clinical nursing
62. Smoke : poems
63. So you want to be a nurse? : a guide to success in the nursing profession
64. So you want to teach clinical? : A Guide for New Nursing Clinical Instructors
65. Social Determinants of Health in Nursing Education
66. Social media for nurses : educating practitioners and patients in a networked world
67. Social media for nurses : educating practitioners and patients in a networked world
68. Socialization into nursing = al-Tanshiʼah al-ijtimāʻīyah fī al-tamrīḍ (mujtamaʻīyat al-tamrīḍ)
Socialization into nursing = التنشئة الاجتماعية في التمريض (مجتمعية التمريض)