1. I send you herewith a printed copy of a warrant, which the King has lately sign'd. Author/Creator: Great Britain. War Office Publication/Creation: [London] : [publisher not identified], [1768] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
2. Iac. Guilielmi Feuerlini SS. Theol. D. ... Bibliotheca symbolica Euangelica Lutherana : quam magno studio multisque impensis ipse dum vivebat collegit disposuit et adiectis annotationibus descripsit ... Author/Creator: Feuerlein, Jakob Wilhelm, 1689-1766 Publication/Creation: Norimbergae [i.e. Nürnberg] : Prostat apud Wolfg. Schwartzkopf ..., 1768 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
3. Ianua hebraeae linguae Veteris Testamenti : in qua totius codicis hebraei vocabula cum radicibus et grammatica vocum difficiliorum analysi comparent ut linguae huius studiosi facilius eandem addiscere et felicius in perlegendis bibliis hebraicis progredi Author/Creator: Reineccius, Christian, 1668-1752 Publication/Creation: Lipsiae : Sumt. Ioannis Friderici Iunii, 1769 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
4. Iconologie : Vienna, 1766 Author/Creator: Boudard, Jean-Baptiste, 1710-1768 Publication/Creation: New York : Garland Pub., 1976 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
5. Iconologie tirée de divers auteurs. Ouvrage utile aux gens de lettres, aux poëtes, aux artistes, & généralement à tous les amateurs des beaux-arts Author/Creator: Boudard, Jean-Baptiste, 1710-1768, compiler Publication/Creation: Vienne (Vienna), Chez Jean-Thomas de Trattnern, 1766 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
6. Idea agriculturæ : The principles of vegetation asserted and defended. Being an essay on the theory and practice of husbandry: Proceeding on the three noted mediums of improvement, viz. marle, lime, and shells, principally relating to the Isle of Anglesey. With rules and directions to find out the latter (wonderful in fertilizing the barrenest land) on other shores of Great-Britain and Ireland, where the like beds of broken shells, the winnowings of the sea, must naturally lye, if the like vast plenty of shellfish, do breed on the coasts, and in all probability, will be found, if they be fought for, according to these directions. By Henry Rowlands, vicar of Llanjdan, in the Isle of Anglesey; author of Mona antiqua: wrote in the year 1704 Author/Creator: Rowlands, Henry, 1655-1723 Publication/Creation: Dublin : Printed by G. Faulkner, on the Blind-Quay, MDCCLXIV. [1764] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
7. Ideal beauty in painting and sculpture illustrated by remarks on the antique : and the works of Raphael, and other great masters. By Lambert Hermanson ten Kate. Translated from the French Author/Creator: Kate, Lambert ten, 1674-1731 Publication/Creation: London : Printed for C. Bathurst, 1769 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
8. Idée d'une souscription patriotique : en faveur de l'agriculture, du commerce, et des arts Author/Creator: Baudeau, M. l'abbé 1730-1792? (Nicolas) Publication/Creation: Amsterdam ; Et se trouve a Paris : Chez Hochereau le jeune, 1765 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
9. Idée générale de l'astronomie : ouvrage à la portée de tout le monde Author/Creator: Dicquemare, M. l'abbé 1733-1789. (Jacques-François) Publication/Creation: A Paris : Chez Herissant, fils ..., 1769 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
10. Idées d'un citoyen sur les besoins, les droits, et les devoirs des vrais pauvres Author/Creator: Baudeau, M. l'abbé 1730-1792? (Nicolas) Publication/Creation: A Amsterdam ; Et se trouve à Paris : Chez Barthelemi Hochereau, 1765 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading