1. Kehilath Jahacob : being a vocabulary of words in the Hebrew language, ... together with an explination [sic] of the different words, ... done into English and Spanish, the whole carefully selected and compiled by Jacob Rodrigues Moreira Author/Creator: Moreira, Jacob Rodrigues Publication/Creation: [London] : Printed by A. Alexander number 78 White Chaple High Street. AM, 5533, [i.e. 1773] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
2. Kehilath Jahacob : being a vocabulary of words in the Hebrew language, arranged in fifty eight chapters, on various subjects and methodically digested under different heads, together with an explination of the different words, peculiar phrases and technic Author/Creator: Moreira, Jacob Rodrigues Publication/Creation: [London] : Printed by A. Alexander ..., 1773 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
3. The Kentish cricketers : a poem. By a gentleman. Being a reply to a late publication of a parody on the ballad of Chevy Chace; intituled, Surry triumphant: or the Kentish men's defeat Author/Creator: Burnby, John Publication/Creation: Canterbury : Printed by T. Smith and son: and sold by them, and W. Flackton: also, by B. Law; Messrs. Richardson and Urquhart, London; and all other booksellers, 1773 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
4. The Kentish cricketers : a poem. By John Burnby, ... Being a reply to a late publication of a parody on the ballad of Chevy Chace; intituled, Surry triumphant: or the Kentish men's defeat Author/Creator: Burnby, John Publication/Creation: Canterbury : Printed by T. Smith and son: and sold by them and W. Flackton: also by B. Law; Messrs. Richardson and Urquhart, 1773 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
5. A key to the evangelical sense of the Old and New Testament books : introductory to a true chronology of the Holy Bible, with notes Author/Creator: Brown, Thomas, Gent., of Blackheath Publication/Creation: London : Printed and sold by J. and W. Oliver, 1773 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
6. A key to the New Testament : Giving an account of the several books, their contents, their authors, and of the times, places, and occasions, on which they were respectively written Author/Creator: Percy, Thomas, 1729-1811 Publication/Creation: London : Printed for Lockyer Davis, 1773 Format: Book Edition: The second edition, revised and improved. Access & Availability: Loading
7. The key to the tutor's guide: or, The arithmeticians repository : containing the solutions of the questions, &c. that are in the guide; with the references as they stand in the second edition. To which is added (where necessary) some useful rules, &c. As those for the attaining a thorough knowledge of circulating numbers. Likewise an appendix, shewing the combination of quantities; the different ways they may be varied; with the method of filling the magic squares, &c. The whole being principally designed for the ease of school masters, and with the guide, furnishes a more complete and extensive system of arithmetic, than any extant; and will enable all those who are acquainted with the first principles, to attain a competent knowledge of the several rules, with ease and precision. By Charles Vyse, teacher of the mathematics, and master of the academy in Old Round Court, Strand Author/Creator: Vyse, Charles, active 1770-1815 Publication/Creation: London : Printed for G. Robinson, in Paster-noster Row, MDCCLXXIII. [1773] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
8. King Henry V Author/Creator: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 Publication/Creation: London : Printed for John Bell, near Exeter-Exchange in the Strand, and C. Etherington, at York, MDCCLXXIII [1773] Format: Book Is Part Of: Plays. Access & Availability: Loading
9. King Lear : [transcription]. [16]. Publication/Creation: [Place of publication not identified : publisher not identified], 1773 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
10. Der kleine Catechismus Herrn D. Martin Luthers, : nebst beygefügten Fragstücken und Haus-Tafel Author/Creator: Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 Publication/Creation: Breslau : Bey Wilhelm Gottlieb Korn, [1773?] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading