1. Labour, and genius: or, the mill-stream, and the cascade : A fable. Written in the year, 1762; and inscribed to the late William Shenstone, Esq; By Richard Jago, A.M. Author/Creator: Jago, Richard, 1715-1781 Publication/Creation: London : Printed for J. Dodsley, 1768 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
2. The labouring lover's garland containing several excellent new songs Publication/Creation: [Newcastle upon Tyne] : [publisher not identified], [1765?]] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
3. Lachrymae elegiacæ, sive querelæ epistolares : Authore Reverendo J. D. Cotton, de estra bona in agro essexensi, vicario Author/Creator: Cotton, John Daniel Publication/Creation: Londini : Typis Jacobi Harrison: veneunt autem a Thoma Caslon, bibliopolâ, adversus aulam stationariorum, 1765 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
4. The ladies friend : from the French of Monsieur de Gravines Author/Creator: Boudier de Villemert, P.-J. 1716-1801? (Pierre-Joseph) Publication/Creation: London : Printed for W. Nicoll; and sold by T. Davies, and R. Davies, 1766 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
5. The ladies new dispensatory, and family physician Publication/Creation: London : Printed for Johnson and Payne, 1769 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
6. The ladies' own memorandum-book : or, daily pocket journal, for the year 1769. ... By a lady Publication/Creation: London : Printed for Robinson and Roberts; and T. Slack, at Newcastle, [1769] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
7. The lady's companion : or, accomplish'd director in the whole art of cookery. ... By a lady Author/Creator: Ceres Publication/Creation: Dublin : Printed for John Mitchell, 1767 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
8. The lady's, housewife's, and cookmaid's assistant : or, the art of cookery explained and adapted to the meanest capacity. ... By E. Taylor Author/Creator: Taylor, E. Publication/Creation: Berwick upon Tweed : Printed by H. Taylor, for R. Taylor, bookseller, 1769 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
9. The lady's housewife's, and cookmaid's assistant: or, The art of cookery explained and adapted to the meanest capacity : containing, I. How to roast and boil to perfection every thing necessary to be sent up to table. II. Of made dishes. III. To make a number of pretty little dishes for a supper or side-dish, and little corner-dishes for a great table. IV. To dress fish. V. Of soups and broths. VI. Of puddings. VII. Of hogs puddings, sausages, &c. VIII. Of pyes. IX. To pot and make hams, &c. X. Of pickling. XI. Of making cakes, &c. XII. Of cheese-cakes, creams, jellies, whip-syllabubs, &c. XIII. Of made wines, brewing, French bread, muffins, &c. XIV. Jarring cherries, preserves. XV. To dress turtle, and make mock turtle. XVI. To prepare food for sick persons. The whole designed to fit out an entertainment in an elegant manner, and at a small expence. By E. Taylor Author/Creator: Taylor, E. Publication/Creation: London : Printed for G. Freer, near Temple [Bar], MDCCLXIX. [1769] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
10. The lady's new-year's gift : or, advice to a daughter. Under these following heads, viz. Religion, ... Diversions. By the Right Honourable George Lord Saville, ... Author/Creator: Halifax, George Savile, Marquis of, 1633-1695 Publication/Creation: London : Printed for J. Dodsley, 1765 Format: Book Edition: The fifteenth edition, exactly corrected. Access & Availability: Loading