1. The nabob: or, asiatic plunderers. A satyrical poem, in a dialogue between a friend and the author. To which are annexed, a few fugitive pieces of poetry Author/Creator: Clarke, Richard, 1723-approximately 1780 Publication/Creation: London : Printed for the author; and sold by J. Townsend, 1773 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
2. Nachrichten von den Eisbergen in Tyrol Author/Creator: Walcher, Joseph, 1718-1803 Publication/Creation: Wien : Auf Kosten Josephs Kurzböcken, 1773 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
3. Nanine, sœur de lait de la reine de Golconde : pastorale en trois actes, en ariettes et vaudevilles choisis Author/Creator: Rodolphe, Jean Joseph, 1730-1812 Publication/Creation: Genève : Chez la Veuve Duchesne, 1773 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
4. A narrative of proceedings between Captain William Hunt, Commander of the Rochford, ... and Mr. John Stevenson, chief mate ... in a late voyage to and from Bengal. ... By John Stevenson Author/Creator: Stevenson, John, Mate of the Rochford, East-Indiaman Publication/Creation: London : Printed for the author, by R. Hilton, 1773 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
5. A narrative of the captivity, sufferings and removes of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson : who was taken prisoner by the Indians, with several others, and treated in the most barbarous and cruel manner by those vile savages : with many other remarkable events during her travels Author/Creator: Rowlandson, Mary White, approximately 1635-approximately 1678 Publication/Creation: New-London [Conn.] : Printed and Sold by Timothy Green, 1773 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
6. A narrative of the captivity, sufferings and removes of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson : who was taken prisoner by the Indians with several others, and treated in the most barbarous and cruel manner by those vile savages: with many other remarkable events during her travels. Writte by her own hand, for her private use, and now made public at the earnest desire of some friends, and for the benefit of the afflicted Author/Creator: Rowlandson, Mary White, approximately 1635-1711 Publication/Creation: Boston : Printed and sold at John Boyle's printing-office, next door to the Three Doves in Marlborough-Street, 1773 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
7. Narrative of the mutiny of the officers of the army in Bengal, in the year 1766 : and lately given in evidence to the Secret Committee of the House of Commons Author/Creator: Strachey, Henry, Sir, 1736-1810 Publication/Creation: London : Printed for T. Becket, and J. Brotherton, and T. Sewell, 1773 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
8. Narrative of the mutiny of the officers of the army in bengal, in the year 1766 : Written by Henry Strachey, Esq. secretary to Lord clive during his last expedition to India, and lately given in evidence to the secret committee of the House of Commons Author/Creator: Strachey, Henry, Sir, 1736-1810 Publication/Creation: London : Printed for T. Becket, in the Strand; and J. Brotherton, and T. Sewell, in Cornhill, MDCCLXXIII. [1773] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
9. A narrative of the principal transactions betwixt the agents, and officers of the Hon. East India Company, and George Dodwell, Esq. commander of the ship Patty; respecting a voyage to Sooloo in 1765 and 1766: with an appendix, containing the original papers Author/Creator: Dodwell, George, active 1765-1777 Publication/Creation: [London] : Printed in the year, 1773 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
10. A narrative of the proceedings subsequent to the royal adjudication, concerning the lands to the westward of Connecticut River, lately usurped by New-Hampshire : with remarks on the claim, behaviour, and misrepresentations, of the intruders under that government : intended as an appendix to the General Assembly's State of the right of the colony of New-York (with respect to its eastern boundary, on Connecticut River, so far as concerns the late encroachments under the government of New-Hampshire) published at their session 1773 Author/Creator: New York (Colony). General Assembly Publication/Creation: New-York : Printed by John Holt, near the Coffee-House., M, DCC, LXXIII. [1773] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading