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2. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, ex castigationibus observationibusque Bentleii, Cuningamii & Sanadonis emendata
3. Quaestio philosophica, Num exlex vitae genus naturae humanae conveniat
4. Quaestio politica an crescens vicini principis potentia justam beli caussam praebeat?
5. Quaestionem politcam, an pax, iniquire tempore inita, aequiore frangi debeat? : Dissertatione graduali breviter expositam, ex consensu Amplissimae Facult. Philosoph. In Regia Academia Upsaliensi,
6. Quæstiones philosophicæ in justi systematis ordinem dispositæ; : auctoribus adductis, et singulis in proprias hypotheses dispertitis ...
7. Quæstiones philosophicæ in justi systematis ordinem dispositæ; auctoribus adductis, et singulis in proprias hypotheses dispertitis. Editio tertia, ... Operâ Tho. Johnson
8. The Quaker and the Methodist compared : In an abstract of George Fox's Journal. With a copy of his last will and testament, and the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield's journals; with historical notes
9. A Quaker's letter to the world in general, and to the nation of England in particular
10. Le Quar' d'heure : Serieux & Badin, ou la politique enjouée
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