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2. --Y el diablo también es una mujer
3. Y me vistieron de luto
4. Y para recordar por qué he venido
5. Ya nunca me verás como me vieras
6. Yachay
7. Yachting
8. Yad ṿa-shem
9. Yad Vashem studies
10. The Yadkin ripple
11. Yafo - Neṿeh-Tsedeḳ : reshitah shel Tel-Aviv : toldot ha-Yishuv ha-Yehudi be-Yafo mi-reshit ha-meʼah ha-19
12. Yahweh's judgment and kingship in the oracles of Isaiah ben Amoz : by Ray Carlton Jones, Jr.
13. Yale Art Gallery bulletin
14. Yale Art Gallery bulletin
15. Yale Divinity School and the Disciples of Christ, 1872-1989
16. Yale Divinity School and the Disciples of Christ 1872-1989
17. Yale French studies
18. Yale French studies
19. The Yale journal of biology and medicine
20. Yale journal of international law
21. The Yale journal of international law
22. The Yale journal of international law
23. Yale journal of law & the humanities
24. Yale journal of law & the humanities
25. Yale journal of law & the humanities
26. Yale journal of law and feminism
27. Yale journal of law and feminism
28. Yale journal of law and feminism
29. Yale journal of law and feminism
30. Yale journal on regulation
31. Yale journal on regulation
32. Yale journal on regulation
33. Yale law & policy review
34. Yale law & policy review
35. Yale law & policy review
36. The Yale law journal
37. Yale law journal
38. The Yale law journal
39. The Yale law journal
40. The Yale review
41. The Yale review
42. Yale seminars in architecture
43. Yale University Art Gallery bulletin
44. Y'alla : hitlist Egypt
45. Yalta : yesterday, today, tomorrow
46. Yamamoto : the man who planned Pearl Harbor
47. Yamshī makhfūran bi-al-wu'ūl : 'an sulālat al-ghubār wa-marah̤̊ al-dhabīh̤̊ah wa-nihāyāt al-bah̤̊r
48. Yan hen
49. Yanagi Muneyoshi shūkyō senshū