MLA (8th Edition)
Isopleth Maps Showing Above-Median Concentrations of Lead and Copper In Stream-Sediment Concentrate, Glens Falls 1⁰ x 2⁰ Quadrangle, New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire. For sale by map distribution, The Survey, 1992.
APA (7th Edition)
Isopleth maps showing above-median concentrations of lead and copper in stream-sediment concentrate, Glens Falls 1⁰ x 2⁰ quadrangle, New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire. (1992). For sale by map distribution, The Survey.
Chicago (17th Edition)
“Isopleth Maps Showing above-Median Concentrations of Lead and Copper in Stream-Sediment Concentrate, Glens Falls 1⁰ x 2⁰ Quadrangle, New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire.” Denver, CO: For sale by map distribution, The Survey, 1992.