Historical ground-water-flow patterns and trends in iron concentrations in the Potomac--Raritan--Magothy aquifer system in parts of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Camden and Gloucester Counties, New Jersey
Denver, Colo. : U.S. Geological Survey, Branch of Information Services [distributor].
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Historical ground-water-flow patterns and trends in iron concentrations in the Potomac--Raritan--Magothy aquifer system in parts of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Camden and Gloucester Counties, New Jersey / by Ronald A. Sloto ; in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Historical ground water flow patterns and trends in iron concentrations in the Potomac, Raritan, Magothy aquifer system in parts of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Camden and Gloucester Counties, New Jersey
Also available via Internet at the USGS web site. Address as of 04/16/04: http://pa.water.usgs.gov/reports/wrir03-4255.pdf; current access available via PURL.