Reported historic asbestos mines, historic asbestos prospects and natural asbestos occurrences in the Rocky Mountain states of the United States (Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, and Wyoming)
[Reston, Va.] : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 2007
Version 1.0, posted July 2007.
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Reported historic asbestos mines, historic asbestos prospects and natural asbestos occurrences in the Rocky Mountain states of the United States (Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, and Wyoming) / by Bradley S. Van Gosen
Mode of access: Internet from the USGS web site. Address as of 11/28/07: ; current access via PURL. System requirements: PC with Internet access and Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar software installed to handle .pdf files.
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Title from HTML index page (viewed on Nov. 28, 2007). Includes text and col. ill.