Studies of geology and hydrology in the Basin and Range province, southwestern United States, for isolation of high-level radioactive waste--characterization of the Sonoran region, Arizona
Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1990
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Studies of geology and hydrology in the Basin and Range province, southwestern United States, for isolation of high-level radioactive waste--characterization of the Sonoran region, Arizona / edited by M.S. Bedinger, K.A. Sargent, and William H. Langer
Series Titles:
Studies of geology and hydrology for isolation of high-level radioactive waste U.S. Geological Survey professional paper ; 1370-D Studies of geology and hydrology for isolation of high-level radioactive waste. U.S. Geological Survey professional paper ; 1370-D.
"Prepared in cooperation with the States of Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah." Five col. maps on folded leaves in pockets.