Faces of Hellenism : studies in the history of the Eastern Mediterranean, 4th century B.C.-5th century A.D.
- Publication/Creation:
- Leuven : Peeters, 2009
- Format:
- Book
More Details
Additional/Related Title Information
- Full Title:
- Faces of Hellenism : studies in the history of the Eastern Mediterranean, 4th century B.C.-5th century A.D. / edited by Peter Van Nuffelen
- Series Titles:
- Studia hellenistica ; 48
Studia Hellenistica ; 48.
- Related/Included Titles:
- Introduction /
On eating men and human sacrifice: anthropology in Asclepiades of Cyprus and Theophrastus of Eresus /
Una noticia olvidada sobre el principio de las Historias de Éforo (Tauro ap. Juan Filópono, Aet. VI 8, p. 147, 17-18 Rabe) /
Kleopatra and the Diadochoi /
The name game: Hellenistic historians and royal epithets /
Bilingual Greek-Demotic documentary papyri and Hellenization in Ptolomaic Egypt /
"We too are in good health": the private correspondence from the Kleon Archive /
The archive of the Toparch Leon once again /
L'expression "ennemi des dieux": theoisin echthoros /
Why tax receipts on wood? On wooden tablet archives from Ptolomaic Egypt (pathyris) /
The border between Egypt and Syria from the 7th century B.C. until the 7th century A.D. /
Die Beziehung zwischen römischen Bürgerrecht und alexandrinischem Stadtrecht bis zur Constitutio Antoniniana (212) /
The "marbre de Thorigny": rebellion or loyalty? /
Hellenism as a vehicle for local traditions in third-century-Egypt: the evidence from Panopolis /
Know your classics! Manifestations of "classical culture" in late antique elite houses /
Related Names
- Additional Author/Creators:
- Nuffelen, Peter van
- Subjects:
- Hellenism--History
Mediterranean Region--Civilization--Greek influences
Mediterranean Region--History--To 476
- Table of Contents:
- Introduction / Peter Van Nuffelen -- On eating men and human sacrifice: anthropology in Asclepiades of Cyprus and Theophrastus of Eresus / Stefan Schorn -- Una noticia olvidada sobre el principio de las Historias de Éforo (Tauro ap. Juan Filópono, Aet. VI 8, p. 147, 17-18 Rabe) / Antonio Luis Chávez Reino -- Kleopatra and the Diadochoi / Alexander Meeus -- The name game: Hellenistic historians and royal epithets / Peter Van Nuffelen -- Bilingual Greek-Demotic documentary papyri and Hellenization in Ptolomaic Egypt / Mark Depauw -- "We too are in good health": the private correspondence from the Kleon Archive / Bart Van Beek -- The archive of the Toparch Leon once again / Willy Clarysse -- L'expression "ennemi des dieux": theoisin echthoros / Anne-Emmanuelle Veïsse -- Why tax receipts on wood? On wooden tablet archives from Ptolomaic Egypt (pathyris) / Katelijn Vandorpe and Sofie Waebens -- The border between Egypt and Syria from the 7th century B.C. until the 7th century A.D. / Herbert Verreth -- Die Beziehung zwischen römischen Bürgerrecht und alexandrinischem Stadtrecht bis zur Constitutio Antoniniana (212) / Gertrud Dietze-Mager -- The "marbre de Thorigny": rebellion or loyalty? / Karen Haegemans -- Hellenism as a vehicle for local traditions in third-century-Egypt: the evidence from Panopolis / Karolien Geens -- Know your classics! Manifestations of "classical culture" in late antique elite houses / Inge Uytterhoeven.
- Bibliography:
- Includes bibliographical references.
- Language:
- English
German - Language Note:
- Articles in English, French, German or Spanish.
- Physical Type/Description:
- ix, 342 pages : illustrations, map ; 24 cm.
Additional Identifiers
- Catalog ID (MMSID):
- 990025691760302486
- 9042922737
9789042922730 - OCLC Number:
- 465089461
- Barcode:
- 300000300058
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